Tuesday, March 31, 2020

How to Find Tutoring Rates in NYC

How to Find Tutoring Rates in NYCThe best way to find tutoring rates in NYC is to use the web. You can find several agencies on the internet that will take students in the New York area. Many of these agencies will allow you to browse their services online before you decide which agency to hire.Once you find a few companies that offer tutoring rates in NYC, the next step is to ask for a sample lesson. Do not pay a fee unless you get a small amount of time with the tutor. You should have an instructor or teacher accompany you so that you can learn how to teach yourself how to write well, how to study and how to organize your schedule.You can search for tutoring rates in NYC on the internet, but it is better to compare different agencies before you sign any contracts. Online websites for tutoring services are constantly updating their services, so you should be able to contact the agency by email or phone. Sometimes, you will be able to set up a personal visit or work-study program wit h your new tutor.Before you sign a contract with any of the various tutoring agencies, make sure you review all the fees and what each agency offers. Check the fees for instruction, meals and equipment if you plan to take the class on campus, and find out what is included in the packages. Look at the quality of tutors and also their experience in teaching.You can look for tutoring rates in NYC online and make sure you use the agency that you feel comfortable with. The best way to find a good tutor is to find a small group of them who are experienced and trustworthy. You will also need to make sure that you follow the rules and requirements set by the agency.Some websites may give you tips on how to use the internet to your advantage while you are in the process of teaching yourself how to teach and how to improve your writing. You should always have a list of sample questions ready so that you can ask the tutor any questions that you have. You will be teaching yourself as well, so y ou need to make sure that you can ask questions that apply to both you and your tutor.Finding tutoring rates in NYC is much easier when you use the internet. Many people will use this option when they are looking for tutoring services. Whether you want to find a new teacher or a way to supplement your income, online tutoring can be your answer.There are tutoring rates in NYC that are affordable, which makes it easy to find a good tutor. You can start by making a list of schools near where you live. Then, you can look at all the tutoring agencies to see which one offers the best prices and services.

Friday, March 6, 2020

4 Secrets of Fantastic Bartenders

4 Secrets of Fantastic Bartenders Image via: www.pexels.com Dress to impress Dressing the part makes the difference between self-confidence and self-doubt. If you want to do your best, you need to look your best. With that being said, make sure you dress appropriately for the venue. If you are at an upscale restaurant, break out your suit or cocktail dress. If you are at a dive bar, wear your trendiest concert clothes. The most important thing is to remember hygiene. It might go without saying to come to work looking squeaky clean, but after countless customers and hours of working with stinking amounts of liquor, you might forget to reapply deodorant. Go into each shift as though you were attending an important meeting or job interview. Shave, brush your teeth four times, apply extra cologne or perfume, and keep your deodorant on hand. The more well-dressed and neat you look, the more likely you are to attract good tips and returning customers. Be professional and personable One of the biggest things that makes a night out into a fantastic night out is a great bartender. If you are great, your customers will spread the news of your greatness to their friends. The wider this news spreads, the more customers (and money!) will be attracted to your bar. The minute you clock into work, shrug off any and all stressors from your day and focus on the task at hand. Give each customer a winning smile and your kindest treatment. Welcome each one as if they were an old and dear friend. Make conversation with them and make sure not to neglect them during the course of your shift. Do not let them sit without a drink or a refill for too long. As they leave, make sure to thank them for stopping by. Image via: www.pexels.com By now, you probably know that dealing with people under the influence of alcohol is not always positive. Do your best to keep a good spirit and winning attitude going. Also, it might be tempting to be the cool bartender and serve drinks without checking for the proper identification first. Do not be the cool bartender, be the smart bartender. It is common for police officers to send in undercover investigators to order drinks to test the servers to see if they are checking IDs as they should be. Trust me when I say that you do not want to be busted by these guys. Be smart and be professional and you will be a successful bartender. Keep it clean It does not matter how organized and clean you keep your kitchen at home. In the workplace, your bar needs to be spick and span all throughout your shift to maintain a pleasant and professional appearance. Use clean towels to keep the counter clear of spills and other messes. Keep the area organized by putting bottles and glasses back where they belong as quickly as possible. Get rid of any trash you notice as soon as you notice it. Make sure that items are well stocked before, during, and after each shift. Refill and replace items as needed, but definitely be timely about it. The cleaner and more organized that your bar appears, the more appealing it will be to other customers. After all, nobody wants to eat and drink in a place that appears unsanitary. Image via: www.pexels.com Have a good memory Throughout the night, you will have customers shouting order after order after order at you. You need to be able to keep each customer and order straight in your head and not mix them up. Giving a customer the wrong drink can end in disaster. Try your best to remember each customer’s name so you can have an easier time associating their drink order with their name. It also pays to be down with the sickness and up to date with the lingo by memorizing drink nicknames. They will probably teach you all of this while you are in the process of earning your bartending license, but it is still a good idea to refresh your memory every now and then. Now get out there and be the best bartender you can be!

The Benefits of Using a Math Video Tutor

The Benefits of Using a Math Video TutorThere are many benefits to using a Math Video Tutor and one of these is a greater understanding of math concepts. In the past we had a problem in the math classrooms where teachers were too traditional and would punish children for being messy or for being slow. These teachers were afraid that the students would lose confidence in math, which was bad for math because math is an essential skill to comprehend any problem. This past year has seen an increase in parents insisting on having their children are tutored in math.A math video tutor is one way to improve the math skills of your child. A child who is constantly hungry for information will want to learn how to do this as early as possible. Students who don't know how to solve problems without a teacher's guidance will struggle. You have probably experienced this at some point in your life when you knew something but you didn't know how to explain it. If your child is missing out on learning , then there is something wrong.A child who is able to do simple math problems understands the basics of basic math and won't get confused. One of the best reasons to have your child learn math is so that they understand the concept behind the learning and know why it was taught. The best way to teach a child is to put the math in everyday life. A math video tutor can help your child grasp the concepts and move on to bigger concepts. They will also learn in a fun way and will not feel frustrated.How do you find a math tutor? These can be found in public libraries, tutoring centers, and online. All of these tutors will teach math to your child in the same way you do at home. The tutor will make sure you are always on the same page and will make sure you are having fun doing it. This is important if you want to build upyour child's confidence in math.Before choosing a video tutor it is important to determine what your child needs to learn. If they need to learn fractions, do they need to know fractions through addition or do they just need to be able to add them? What is the right age for them to start? What is the right time to start and how fast can they go? Also, are they willing to do this independently or with a tutor?Once you have chosen a math video tutor, they will sit down with your child and go over the basic math skills. There are certain factors to consider. For example, how much the tutor can handle. Do they have special training in the subject? Do they have the proper equipment needed to teach?As the year comes to an end, find a math video tutor that you are satisfied with. If you have any questions you will need to contact the tutor to see if they can explain any more. Also, make sure you are communicating clearly with your child. Math concepts are important for students to learn and you want to make sure your child is feeling good in all aspects of their lives.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Best Tips to Finding a Craigslist Spanish Tutor

Best Tips to Finding a Craigslist Spanish TutorIf you want to speak Spanish in Los Angeles, you will find it hard to get to know the locals because of the language barrier. The only way to overcome this problem is by hiring a Craigslist Spanish Tutor. So what are the things you need to consider before hiring one?First of all, you must have a plan. You must choose the location that you will teach. You can use your home or you can rent a rented classroom. When you are choosing your area, you should be able to choose the classes and the teachers that are available in your area.The next thing you should consider is the time of day you will teach. You should consider the times that are convenient for the students. One thing you should consider is the transportation, so you can ensure that they will not have problems in getting to class.You should also think about the fact that you will need to be the one who is in charge of recruiting the Craigslist Spanish Tutor. You can use your own ser vices or you can hire a freelancer to do it for you. If you are using your own services, make sure you are certified. It is important that the students will be able to understand you if you are certified.The other thing that you should consider before you choose an online job of Craigslist Spanish Tutor is the payment. If you are offering it for free, you can make as many offers as you want. But if you are charging something, make sure you are honest with the expenses. Most of the people will not want to pay an amount that they cannot afford.For the social network, you need to make sure that you are present at every class. You can find students who are part of that network. You should make friends with them so you can make good connections with the teachers' students.Remember that when you teach a language, you can share that you are interested in that particular language. You can ask them for tips about grammar or any other type of information. And this is the reason why you should take advantage of the opportunity to help and teach.

Best Tips to Finding a Craigslist Spanish Tutor

Best Tips to Finding a Craigslist Spanish TutorIf you want to speak Spanish in Los Angeles, you will find it hard to get to know the locals because of the language barrier. The only way to overcome this problem is by hiring a Craigslist Spanish Tutor. So what are the things you need to consider before hiring one?First of all, you must have a plan. You must choose the location that you will teach. You can use your home or you can rent a rented classroom. When you are choosing your area, you should be able to choose the classes and the teachers that are available in your area.The next thing you should consider is the time of day you will teach. You should consider the times that are convenient for the students. One thing you should consider is the transportation, so you can ensure that they will not have problems in getting to class.You should also think about the fact that you will need to be the one who is in charge of recruiting the Craigslist Spanish Tutor. You can use your own ser vices or you can hire a freelancer to do it for you. If you are using your own services, make sure you are certified. It is important that the students will be able to understand you if you are certified.The other thing that you should consider before you choose an online job of Craigslist Spanish Tutor is the payment. If you are offering it for free, you can make as many offers as you want. But if you are charging something, make sure you are honest with the expenses. Most of the people will not want to pay an amount that they cannot afford.For the social network, you need to make sure that you are present at every class. You can find students who are part of that network. You should make friends with them so you can make good connections with the teachers' students.Remember that when you teach a language, you can share that you are interested in that particular language. You can ask them for tips about grammar or any other type of information. And this is the reason why you should take advantage of the opportunity to help and teach.

Best Tips to Finding a Craigslist Spanish Tutor

Best Tips to Finding a Craigslist Spanish TutorIf you want to speak Spanish in Los Angeles, you will find it hard to get to know the locals because of the language barrier. The only way to overcome this problem is by hiring a Craigslist Spanish Tutor. So what are the things you need to consider before hiring one?First of all, you must have a plan. You must choose the location that you will teach. You can use your home or you can rent a rented classroom. When you are choosing your area, you should be able to choose the classes and the teachers that are available in your area.The next thing you should consider is the time of day you will teach. You should consider the times that are convenient for the students. One thing you should consider is the transportation, so you can ensure that they will not have problems in getting to class.You should also think about the fact that you will need to be the one who is in charge of recruiting the Craigslist Spanish Tutor. You can use your own ser vices or you can hire a freelancer to do it for you. If you are using your own services, make sure you are certified. It is important that the students will be able to understand you if you are certified.The other thing that you should consider before you choose an online job of Craigslist Spanish Tutor is the payment. If you are offering it for free, you can make as many offers as you want. But if you are charging something, make sure you are honest with the expenses. Most of the people will not want to pay an amount that they cannot afford.For the social network, you need to make sure that you are present at every class. You can find students who are part of that network. You should make friends with them so you can make good connections with the teachers' students.Remember that when you teach a language, you can share that you are interested in that particular language. You can ask them for tips about grammar or any other type of information. And this is the reason why you should take advantage of the opportunity to help and teach.

A Level and GCSE Geography Revision A Complete Guide to Exam Preparation

A Level and GCSE Geography Revision A Complete Guide to Exam Preparation Let's Ace that Geography Revision ChaptersGeography: Not Just ‘Colouring In’Paying Attention, the First Time RoundTextbooks, Friends, and Online Resources: The Core Revision MaterialMaps and Geographical SkillsUsing Past Papers: Developing the Skills for Your Geography ExaminationsWhere to Find Extra Information? Reading Around Your Geography CurriculumRemembering to Ace those Geography Case StudiesFinding a Private Tutor to Get You through Your Geography Exams â€" at Whatever LevelTaking it Easy: Learning to NOT ReviseConclusion.When you reach the age of about fifteen, every year at secondary school seems to be split into two halves: the first, in which you are taught something, and the second, in which you are taken over it again. The second we call ‘revision’, a name which is probably fair, but which implies you’ve already learnt the thing that you are re-studying. We all know that this isn’t exactly true, as, at the start of the year, your exams feel far enough away to be hardly worth thinking about. So, like the rest of the students in your classroom, you don’t really take it all in, but rather bank â€" often correctly â€" that you are going to cover it again later in the year. At GCSE, this might immediately seem like the correct approach; by A Level, you should probably know a little better! Revising shouldn’t be learning from scratch, but merely filling the gaps in your knowledge and making sure everything sticks in your brain. It’s a lot less stressful this way.And, importantly, studying with friends makes the whole process much more enjoyable, and this is something that really needs to be achieved.Maps and Geographical SkillsBut geography isn’t all about the knowledge that you collect â€" the facts you learn, the statistics you find, the texts you have read. Rather, a really crucial part of the assessment framework â€" for both GCSE students and for students of A Level geography â€" is these things we call geographical skills. These are things like being able to re ad maps: what contour lines are, how to locate yourself and other geographic features, and what the main features of a landscape might be.It also refers to the skills that are required for reading diagrams accurately â€" taking data from a chart, for example â€" and identifying the key features of images. As you’ll see below, these are all things tested in the geography exam.How do you develop these skills? The most obvious response to this is to look at a map. What do these things show, and what information is included in them? Why are these important in the world today, and what do they actually tell us about our world? These are the questions you need to ask yourself when looking at them. SerenaGeography Teacher £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JoelGeography Teacher £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ChloeGeography Teacher £10/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MatthewGeography Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors DavidGeography Teacher 5.00 (10) £32/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ConnieGeography Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LaurieGeography Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SamGeography Teacher £10/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsUsing Past Papers: Developing the Skills for Your Geography ExaminationsPast papers are the cornerstone of any revision programme, and if you have not made space for them in your timetable, then more fool you.Using past papers is the most authoritative way to test the knowledge that you have â€" and the appropriateness and relevance of that knowledge. Used in conjunction with the mark scheme â€" which will be available on your exam board’s website along with the past papers â€" they can show you the gaps in your knowledge as well as the bits that you solidly know.Use them from the very beginning of your revision, to keep track of progress and to reassure yourself that you are getting there.Another thing they offer is a chance to hone your exam technique. These days, we all write on the computer and phone â€" and the pace of our writing on these technologies is usually very high. Actual, old-fashioned handwriting though is a different story altogether and, as part of your exam technique is making sure you finish the paper, it is essential that you practise writing quickly by hand.Finally, past papers show you the sort of questions you should expect from the exam. The phrasing of the questions, the type of answers that the examiners are expecting, and the sorts of skills they are testing. As your exam paper â€" whether GCSE or A Level â€" will include questions on diagrams, maps, and images, you should practise these over and over, as often they will not require any external knowledge whatsoever. (As you have been reading maps though, you should be absolutely fine with this.)And remember, alongside the past papers and the mark schemes, you’ll find the course specification â€" which shows you precisely the topics, themes, and ideas that you will be tested on â€" and the previous years’ examiner’s reports. These often tell you the pitfalls of previous students â€" so pay attention to these too!There are specific articles on GCSE geography past papers and A Level geography past papers with us too!Where to Find Extra Information? Reading Around Your Geography CurriculumWe said above that textbooks aren’t sufficient to get you to achieve the highest grades. They are great, but not everything.You will, instead, be expected to read around the topics that you are covering in your course â€" especially if you are an A Level student. This shows the examiner that you are able to apply to new things the knowledge and skills that you have learned in class. For A Level students, you can find some handy tips on where to start with our article on A-Level geography revision.In brief, let’s say here that books, magazines, and newspapers are your best bet. Newspapers like The Guar dian, The New York Times, and The Times are all very prestigious publications that often report on geographical issues from urban geography to globalization and migration. The Guardian’s ‘Cities’ section might be a great resource for you specifically â€" or else you can try magazines like National Geographic, which focus specifically on geography.Otherwise, there are many best-selling books that cover geographical topics, and you won’t have too much trouble tracking down some very readable, engaging, and even fun ones.Newspapers are full of info that could be helpful for your geography revision.Remembering to Ace those Geography Case StudiesThese resources can provide the main source of information for your case studies â€" those examples of geographical phenomena that seem to dominate GCSEs and A Levels. Find as much data on these as you can and try your best to find case studies that actually interest you.It cannot be stressed enough how important case studies are for your geography courses. They pin down your theory and concepts into real-life examples and are essentially an exercise in applying your knowledge to something real. Do not neglect them!Finding a Private Tutor to Get You through Your Geography Exams â€" at Whatever LevelWhat might also be helpful is for you to seek sessions with a private tutor. Often super-qualified and experienced â€" and usually alumni of geography courses at universities â€" academic tutors can make a huge difference to your revision, whether it’s for talking you through thorny theoretical issues or for setting you extra work during the revision period.Superprof is a great place to find private tuition, at any level, and you can take classes both online and face-to-face in the comfort of your own home.Taking it Easy: Learning to NOT ReviseFinally, it’s important to know that revision should not be an exercise in solitude or in self-imprisonment in your own room. And neither is it a fifteen hour a day job.Revise w ell, and revise efficiently, but don’t wear yourself out doing it. Make sure that you take time to relax, and make sure that, at some moments at least, you precisely don’t revise. You have to switch off.Conclusion.Check out our dedicated guides to GCSE geography revision and A Level geography revision too!


Lipids Lipids Lipids are large organic compounds which occur naturally, they are usually insoluble in water. Since they are nonpolar they are soluble in nonpolar organic solvents such as ether, chloroform, Benzene, Toluene, Di ethyl ether and so on. The composition of the lipids usually consists of hydrocarbons and are the reduced forms of carbon. Lipids exists in the structure of the living cells mostly in the hormones, vitamins and non-protein membrane of the cell. They are one of the most important group of compound involved in the life of an organism. When oxidized lipids do release large amount of energy, which is useful for the living organisms. The lipids include molecules in fatty acids, natural oil, wax, soaps and detergents, terpenes, phospholipids and many other. Shown below are different types of lipids: Fatty Acids: The natural fatty acids are divided into two categories saturated and unsaturated. The saturated fatty acids have higher melting points when compared to the unsaturated fatty acids having the same size. The fatty acids are made of long carbon hydrogen chains which end with the carboxylic group. The chain of carbons are usually between 4 and 24 atoms long and having Oxygen, Halogen, Nitrogen, Sulfur functional groups attached. An example for the structure of a saturated Fatty acid is: An example for the structure of an unsaturated Fatty acid is: The structure for Linoleic acid is: Soaps and detergents: The soaps and detergents are used for the cleaning purposes when mixed in water. The soaps are formed when sodium hydroxide or sodium carbonate are added to natural fatty acid. The detergents reduce the surface tension of liquids such as water due to the presence of the surfactants. The molecule consists of non-polar hydrocarbon chain and the iconic polar head group. These compounds are thus used for cleaning as they can penetrate and wet different materials. Here the above molecule is called sodium stearate. There are different types of detergents: Anionic detergent: They consists of long hydrocarbon chains and a negatively charged water soluble ionic group. They are known as surfactants or alkyl benzene sulfonates. Cationic detergents: They also consists of long hydrocarbon chains with positively charged water soluble ionic group. They are mostly used in shampoos and are derivatives of ammonium. Neutral detergents: Like the anionic and the cationic detergents they also contain long hydrocarbons, whereas the overall charge is neutral. Natural detergents: These are naturally made in the liver and the main function of this lipid is digestions. They are the derivative of cholesterol. Waxes: The esters of fatty acids consisting of monohydric alcohol which is one hydroxyl group is called as waxes. The natural wax is found on the leaves and fruits of the plants or trees. They have a wax coating to retain the moisture and prevent dehydration or harm from small insects. Mentioned below are few verities of waxes and their applications: Name of the wax Formula Uses of the wax Spermaceti CH3 (CH2)14 CO2-(CH2)15 CH3 Cosmetics and leatherworking Carnuba wax CH3 (CH2)14 CO2- (CH2)15 CH3 Floor waxes and polishes Beeswax CH3 (CH2)24 CO2- (CH2)29 CH3 Consumption Here is a list of some lipids and where they are found: Phospholipid They are the major component in the cell membrane. Terpenes They are majorly produced by the plants. Steroids lipid They are found in plants, animals and fungi Glycerolipids or triglycerides They are the fat storage lipids in the body Biological functions of lipids in the body: Cholesterol formation: The cholesterol is present in the cell membrane and also in blood as plasma lipoproteins. These lipoproteins are complex aggregates of lipids and proteins which help the lipids travel throughout the body using the watery or aqueous solutions. Storage of energy: The triacylglycerols are the fat storing lipids. As the name signifies they are made of three fatty acids and one glycerol. They release energy in the body during the time of need and form the structural components of cell.

The Pros and Cons of Online Guitar Lessons

The Pros and Cons of Online Guitar Lessons Megan L. So youve heard about online guitar lessons but youre not convinced theyre right for you? Guitar teacher  Edward B.  shares the benefits and drawbacks he has learned from teaching live online lessons Live online guitar lessons are filling a much-needed gap in society’s need for lessons, especially for students in rural areas who don’t have access to music teachers, and busy students who have trouble fitting lessons into their schedules. I’ve given guitar lessons quite successfully via Skype and Google Hangouts, and have found this method of teaching benefits students in the following ways: Quality Teachers I believe it is better to have Skype lessons with an excellent teacher than it is to have in-person lessons with a mediocre teacher. Searching for a guitar teacher online gives you even more options to choose from since youre not restricted to your small local region. No Traveling You don’t have to fight traffic to get to your guitar teacher’s studio. Also, when a student is five or ten minutes late, I give them a courtesy call in case they forgot. But if they live 15 minutes away and they have a 30 minute lesson, it’s hardly worth it for them to come late. Taking lessons online means no missed lessons due to forgetfulness since the student and teacher can connect 30 seconds after the courtesy call. Convenient Scheduling There are more options for choosing the best day and time for the lesson when you look at all the teachers available online versus just the teachers in your local area. Convenience of Recording Lessons While students always have the option to record their face-to-face lessons, that almost never happens (at least, in the history of my teaching). But you can easily record Skype and Google+ lessons for review at a later time with software like Evaer and Super Tin Tin, or for audio only: Pamela MP3 Skype, or RecorderVodBurner. Immediate Practicing While face-to-face students must drive home before practicing what they learned, online students can practice immediately after the lesson when ideas are fresh. The first practice session will always be of higher quality when it is done immediately after the lesson than if it is done the next day, and the first practice session is the most important session of the entire week. Warming Up You can warm up right before your lesson, only stopping seconds before the lesson begins. This lets you show off your best playing to your teacher each week instead of starting rusty. Increased Student Performance Students actually spend more time performing during distance lessons than in face-to-face lessons. Don’t Have To Be In The Same Room You won’t need to cancel lessons because you had the flu two days before, because during online lessons you can’t pass illness on to your teacher. Transferring Instructional Music Files I can simply email mp3 audios and screenshare or email music documents. Of course there are also a few drawbacks to choosing online guitar lessons No Physical Touch Sometimes the most efficient way to achieve technical results with a student is to physically manipulate their wrists, fingers, elbows, etc. while their hands are on the strings. Your online guitar teacher wont be able to give you physical adjustments if needed.  Dependent Upon Internet Connection The student and teacher must both have a fast Internet connection, and even if they do, sometimes there are days when Internet backbones are lagging, ISPs are having trouble, etc., although that’s a rare occurrence. Glitches still happen sometimes with Skype and Google Hangouts but seem to be happening less as the technology develops.  Sound Quality Even with a fast Internet connection, sound quality does not resemble the quality of a CD or the quality of hearing the student in person. Having said that, I feel that I’m still able to judge tone quality acceptably well. Looking From a Different Angle Sometimes (but not very often), I’ll walk to the other side of the student in order to see what their hands look like from the other side, in cases where I have to look specifically at the left hand position. Since I can’t do that in an online guitar lesson, students have to reposition their webcams. Distractions Students may be more distracted at home by noises made by siblings, animals, neighbors, etc, than they would be at a teachers studio. All things considered, I believe there are effective ways of working around these issues. Interested in trying online guitar lessons? Find a great guitar teacher online now! Edward B. has a degree in Guitar Performance and owns and operates his own private instruction studio in Wailuku, HI. He has  over 25 years of performing and professional teaching experience and is currently an instructor  for the University of Hawaii and The Maui Music Conservatory. Learn more about Edward here! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo by  sean dreilinger

Playing the Violin When Youre Left-handed

Playing the Violin When Youre Left-handed How to Play the Violin Left-handed ChaptersHow Do You Hold a Violin if You’re Left-Handed?How Should You Position The Fingers on Your Right Hand?Violin Techniques for Left-handed ViolinistsLearning Music Theory“If you put your hand on the piano, you play a note. It's in tune. But if you put it on the violin, maybe it is, maybe it isn't. You have to figure it out.” - Itzhak PerlmanSince most string instruments are for right-handed musicians, what do you do if you’re left-handed?The left-handed violin is a mirrored version of the right-handed string instrument; the strings are in the opposite order, and the bridge, nut, and bass bar are all reversed.In order to play the violin or fiddle correctly, you’re going to have put a lot of effort in and buy the accessories that you need to play.Around 1 in 10 people are left-handed.So how do you play the violin when you’re left-handed?That’s what we’re going to cover in this article.Pizzicato is often done with your bow hand. However, there have been violinists t o have performed this technique by using the pinky on the other hand while pressing down on the strings with the preceding finger.Glissando is done by gliding your finger along the string while pressing down on it. You’ll probably have already seen this technique if you play the guitar. It allows you to slide either upwards or downwards on the fingerboard.It’s a way to quickly go from one note to another note that’s far away from the original.Harmonic Glissando. This is a glissando where the violinist doesn’t apply any pressure to the strings.Search for violin lessons now.Learning Music TheoryAnother fundamental part of learning to play the violin is scales and learning how to read sheet music.To get the most out of your violin, you should learn to read sheet music. (Source: Barni1)While you can read violin tabs, understanding major, minor, harmonic and pentatonic scales will help you to drastically improve your violin playing.A scale is an ascending or descending series of notes.  Scales are useful for improvising a melody.D major is one of the easiest scales for beginners to learn to play as it begins with an open d string. You’ll need to play D, E, F#, G, A, B, C#, D.  There are copies of ancient violin dictionaries featuring violin scales available online.Of course, you could always just visit some websites, too. The most important thing is to play your musical instrument correctly.Don't forget that you can also get private violin tutorials at your house! There are plenty of violin tutors from all over the UK on Superprof. Many of the tutors on Superprof offer the first hour for free so you can see if you get along, the type of tuition they offer, and organise the details of your tutorials, such as the rates, schedule, and what techniques you'd like to focus on.Google for  violin lessons for beginners.With private tutorials, you're the only student in the class. This means that the lessons are tailored to you and what you want (or need) to learn. If you're just playing for fun, your tutor can teach your some of your favourite songs. If you're preparing for an audition for a music school or conservatoire, they can help you to focus on techniques that are going to impress!Don't forget that, besides violin lessons near me, there are also online tutorials via webcam if you live rurally or can't schedule tutorials with local tutors!When you first start, you might want to either get an electric violin or a practice with a violin mute so that you don’t annoy your neighbours with your playing.

French Grammar Basics When to Use Tu and Vous

French Grammar Basics When to Use Tu and Vous Sign up successful French grammar dictates that “vous” be used in two basic situations. In one situation, you are still speaking to only one person, but that person is your social superior. It could be your boss at work, a teacher or professor, or a friends older relative. Depending on the level of formality used in a family, it could also be used by a child speaking to his or her parents or grandparents, although many families do not require this. In any other situation that requires formality, or when in doubt, use “vous.” In the second basic situation, the speaker is talking to more than one person. It doesnt matter if you are talking to two people or a thousand, to women, to men, or to both (and yes there are languages that care about this, too!). The formality of the situation also becomes less important in this case, since the speaker will use “vous” in any case. In some regional spoken dialects of modern English, people will say “yall” (short for “you all”) when speaking to more than one person. For those English-speakers who include “yall” in their speech, this is a reasonably closer English equivalent to vous than the simple “you.” So when you are speaking and are trying to figure out which one to use, ask yourself three basic questions: Is it a formal situation? Are you speaking to more than one person? (Use “vous!”) Or are you speaking to one person in a more relaxed, familiar situation? (Use “tu!”) And keep at it with your study of French language and grammar! Learning French takes persistence, but time and effort will help you master it. Carol Beth L. teaches  French lessons in San Francisco, CA. She has her Masters in French language education from the Sorbonne University in Paris and has been teaching students since 2009.  Learn more about Carol Beth here! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo by Gareth Williams